Welcome to this Crazy World, Elliot! ~ Lifestyle Newborn Photography, Vancouver, WA
/You may remember my last post when I hung out with Toni and John for a post-shutdown maternity session at Powell Butte in Portland. They had booked me MONTHS prior for their maternity and newborn session. They not had an easy time getting pregnant, and when it finally happened they wanted to make sure to have beautiful photos of this time in their lives. But then everything shut down and we just had to cross our fingers that I’d be allowed back to work in order to capture this moment in their lives.
Thankfully, things worked out (enough, anyway) and I was able to capture not only their maternity photos, but also, just a few weeks later, visit them at their home in Vancouver, WA for their New Family session!
I arrived at their home all masked up and sanitized with direction to the family that I would need to maintain a distance from them, and would not be able to touch them to make any adjustments to posing… but really, since I’m a lifestyle photographer (with an awesome lens for the social distancing job!) following these guidelines was not too challenging. I’ll tell you though, in all of my sessions, not be able to approach and adjust my clients has definitely been a test of my verbal communication skills! lol
After several attempts at making friends with their puppy so that we could incorporate him in the photos (he was NOT a fan of a masked human in his home with his new little person), we cut our losses, and headed up to the master bedroom to start.

After hanging out in the master bedroom, we moved across the hall to Elliot’s nursery. As you can tell by the decor, this family has an affinity for a certain film enterprise… With this beautiful Star Wars nursery, I’m actually a little surprised that they didn’t name their little one Leia! I’m looking forward to seeing their Halloween costumes over the years… =)

If you’re expecting and interested in talking about maternity, birth, and/or newborn photography in the Vancouver, WA area, please reach out! I’m currently taking bookings for October and later!