Shake It Up! ~ Boudoir Photography ~ Vancouver, WA
/When was the last time you did something truly spontaneous?
Take a minute to sit and think about it… I know that it can be scary to embrace new opportunities that come up in our lives because we never know what the outcome might be. We can become so comfortable with our current jobs and lives that we forget to try new things. Then, when the opportunity comes to try something new, it can all seem way too scary!
If you’ve ever found yourself being tempted to try something different and shake up the status quo, just know that I’m right behind you as your cheerleader… I’m here to tell you that changing things up and embracing a new opportunity is totally worth it.
We can gain so much by trying a new hobby, meeting new people, or even moving to a new place. If you’ve wanted to do these things but it all seems so intimidating, just remember… It’s worth it to take a chance on yourself. You’re always worth it.
Here’s proof that being spontaneous, trying something new, and turning it up a notch will pay off…
I was so excited when my client reached out to me to set up this boudoir photo shoot. At the time, I had a session cancellation, and my client responded to a post in my Facebook group and let me know that she was ready for another boudoir session. We already had a boudoir session together, and this time, she told me things would be different.
For her first session, we embraced a softer feel in the photos. If you want to check out the first session, here it is! For our next boudoir session, she let me know that she wanted to play on bold, fierce, and sexy aspects while shaking things up! Going along with this new theme, she also told me that she planned to bring along black heels that run up her calf and a crossbody halter chain.
Hearing this truly inspired me… My client was so spontaneous as she took the open session, and she continued to change things up with her new choice in accessories and photography direction! This came as an awesome reminder to take advantage of new opportunities when they come and to also say YES when we’re feeling called to a new experience.
During the photography session, my client looked STUNNING in her selected accessories, and we worked on creating shots that felt fierce yet sensual. We ended up using the living room set, bedroom set, and the shower set. I have to say, my personal favorite shots came from the bedroom set where we used the dark green sheets. These sheets were GORGEOUS with my client and her hair, and she looked absolutely incredible.
While shooting this session, my client shared one more piece of news… She was planning to move out of state quite literally later that day! (YES you heard me right! She was going to start traveling on the very same day as the boudoir session. Talk about a busy day!) That day, I learned that my client is an absolute pro at embracing new challenges and trying new things! She inspired me, and we can definitely all take something away from her spontaneity and fearlessness.

To my client… Thank you so much for trusting me again to capture boudoir photos for you! When you’re so willing to embrace new opportunities and try new things, it truly pays off. If you’re reading this right now and also feeling ready to take a chance on a boudoir shoot, I guarantee that the outcome is always worth it.