Self Love, Body Positivity, and My First OUTDOOR Boudoir Session!
/Last week I was thinking about self-love and body positivity and how many different definitions/ideas are out there about these terms. I know that I hear them all over the place, and, as a boudoir photographer, I use them a lot myself. So, I just wanted to take a minute to tell you all about *my* definition and philosophy around these terms … this will likely just be a complete brain dump... so keep that in mind. lol But, do read (or at least scroll) to the end and check out my FIRST EVER OUTDOOR BOUDOIR SESSION! (I’m pretty pumped about it… if you can’t tell. LOL)
When I think about being "body positive" and exhibiting "self love" I'm thinking about changing your mindset around:
~ The way that you view your body in relations to other people... (as in, Don't Do It!)
~ The way that you talk to yourself about your body (be nice, show compassion and pride, be encouraging, and go into it with a growth mindset).
I'm not saying that to have self love and to be body positive you have to be 100% happy with everything about your body all of the time... 'cause, really, who are we kidding? Who can live up to that? It's ok to have (realistic) goals for your body. It's ok to not LOVE the way that something looks or feels.
BUT, on the flip side, it's also completely ok TO LOVE the way that something about your body looks or feels, regardless of what society says is "desirable". It's ok to say, "F@$& that, I'm gorgeous, amazing, powerful human person!"
Tell yourself how awesome you are. Have grace with your body on the not-so-great days, and celebrate it when you're feeling extra! <3 …maybe with a boudoir session?? =)
I also shared these musings in my private FB group… check that out if you’d like to get in on the conversations!
OK… all of that, now, let me show you some photos. lol This beautiful woman was definitely showing herself some love and celebrating her amazingness during this session! This was my first EVER outdoor boudoir session, and, let me tell you, I think I’m hooked! It almost makes me want to rent a piece of land just so that I can have my own private space for these things. lol Seriously… so in love… kinda bummed that I live in Washington where there is a definite time table for outdoor sessions… unless, of course, you don’t mind looking a little blue. lol
Makeup: Morgan Nichols

If you’re interested in booking your own session, you can reach out to me here and/or click here to get more information on what to expect during your boudoir session!