My First Attempt at Couples Boudoir! ~ Vancouver, WA
/Wow…. I have NOT been great about blogging, y’all! And I don’t know why! I’ve had some amazing sessions to show you, but I just haven’t gotten around to writing about them… so, here is me trying to catch up and do better! =)
And what better place to start than with this amazing couples boudoir session??
I was approached a couple of years back about intimately photographing a couple. At that time, I was pretty new in the boudoir world, and was still trying to get my bearing with posing and photographing women… I wasn’t yet ready to try to bring a second subject into the mix.
Since that time, I’ve learned a lot about the genre, followed some other amazing boudoir photographers, and started to get a little bit of FOMO of the CONNECTION that they are able to capture during their couple’s sessions. So I decided that 2021 was my year to branch out, try something new, and challenge myself!
This woman had been following me for awhile… she’s also had family members hire me for sessions… so when I put out a model call for couples willing to let me practice with them, she jumped at the opportunity (thankfully her fiancé was cool with it, too! lol)
One thing that she noted in her model call application was that they were both body builders, and that she’d been working really hard on her physical fitness and was excited to have some photos that documented her hard work. As someone who has had their own physical fitness journey and transformation, I was very excited to help another woman celebrate her success!
Not gonna lie… I was pretty nervous during this session and am certain that I said some ridiculous stuff. Thankfully, my photos didn’t show it. LOL I’m actually pretty proud of these… and was excited to take what I learned and apply it to my NEXT couples boudoir session… but you’re going to have to wait a bit to read about that one! =)