Documenting Life in 2020 through WebCam Photo Sessions

I’m sure that, by now, you’ve scrolled past a post on a social media about “Front Porch” portraits, either from a photographer in your area, or a friend/family member who has had them done. I have been asked several times if I’d do them, and I am not… BUT, I AM offering an alternative “photo session” to help your family document this weird, weird time.

In the state of Washington, non-essential businesses have been ordered to close unless they are able to work remotely. Portrait photography is classified as a “non-essential” business. By conducting “Front Porch” sessions, I would be going against that order and could put my business license at risk (not to mention the health concerns). Additionally, if something happened to me or my equipment on the way to, from, or during the session, my business insurance would not cover damages… putting me at a financial risk as well.

All of that being said, there IS something that I can do… WebCam sessions!

As a “non-essential” business, I can work “remotely”… and what’s more “remote” than photographing you via webcam?? Not only is this a fun experience for both of us, but it’s an iconic way to document what life in 2020 was like for us.

In the month of May, I’m offering a special on webcam sessions ( you can see all of that info on my Facebook post here). My webcam photography includes two different types of photos… your direct webcam images, and styled “screen shots”. For example…

The “direct” webcam images (left) are definitely lower quality and not intended for print, but more for social media and digital photo albums. The styled “screen shots” (right) are taken with my camera and, thus, will have a print quality resolution allowing you to enlarge to your heart’s content. =)

Who wants to play around with me?? I love to “see” some of you this month!

(The other awesome thing about this type of photography, is that I can go ANYWHERE in the world! And I love to travel. ~wink~ )