Rebecca & Ian ~ Vancouver, WA Maternity Photography
/In 2019 I decided that I wanted to photograph births. I absolutely love working with women, documenting their power and love, and capturing important life moments.
I found three amazing mama-to-be’s who allowed me the privilege of being in their birth space with them, with my camera in hand, photographing their labors and the birth of their children. It was absolutely amazing, and I was so excited to start offering this service to more women.
And then 2020 happened.
With the hospital visitor regulations and general concerns around keeping my (most delicate) clients safe, I pulled back on birth photography and decided to wait it out a bit and see how things change as life moves forward. But, that doesn’t mean that I stopped photographing Mama’s power and love… nope, not at all!
I continue to work with mom- and dads-to-be through my maternity work, and then, after the little one arrives, I’m available for (socially distanced) lifestyle newborn sessions (I call these “New Family” sessions, as really, I’m there for your first family photos… it’s not JUST about the new arrival, your entire family is part of this moment, you should all be in the photos!).
I met Rebecca and Ian through a mutual friend (and former client). The couple was expecting their first child, and wanted to celebrate this time in their lives through photos… and wanted to include their new puppy, too! I was totally here for it!
The light was absolutely GORGEOUS when I arrived at Wintler Community Park for our session. I always arrive about 15-20 minutes before a session to walk around, scout out some locations, and just generally breathe in some inspiration. I crossed my fingers HARD that the lighting wouldn’t change before Rebecca and Ian arrived… and was thrilled that it didn’t!
We started our session down on the beach, with pup in tow! Rebecca was hoping to get some doggy kisses on her baby bump, but the pooch wasn’t really cooperating. Every now and then I have an idea that actually works (it’s rare, but it happens. LOL)… I suggested that Rebecca stick a dog treat down her dress. It may sound like a strange thing to say in any other situation… but it got us the shot we were hoping for! LOL
After some puppy cuddles, beach walking, and a quick outfit change, we headed up to the top of the park as the sun started to get lower.
Something that I love about Wintler Park is that I can get so many different styles of natural backdrops… from beach to woods, to urban park… it really helps me to diversify the images in my clients’ galleries! It’s been a favorite location of mine ever since I discovered it.
Rebecca is now getting quite close to her due date, and I’m patiently awaiting the news of their daughter’s birth. I’m looking forward to seeing Rebecca and Ian again in a few weeks as “Mom” and “Dad”, and meet their daughter for their “New Family” session! I’m already picturing the baby-furbaby cuteness. =)