Dancing to the Music of Today
/As a lover of all things written, I get super excited when clients show up with books to include as props for their sessions!
One thing that I’ve been trying to “get back to” during this unexpected break from work is to start reading books again. Like, actually words on paper set up in chapter format! I’m a BIG fan of audio books and podcasts and have several amazing titles in my Audible library, but as I kid, I used to READ and I LOVED it! I remember laying down on my couch at the beginning of the day during summer vacation and reading an ENTIRE library book before the sun went down. I remember going camping as a young adult and my day was spent siting in a chair around the fire pit with my feet up and a book in my hands. I miss it. So, I picked up a book…
I’m in two book clubs (yes, two, which seems weird for a person who doesn’t “read”, but you can find pretty much ANYTHING on audio book these days. lol). Last month, for one of the book clubs, it was my turn to pick the book. I took a look at my “To Read” list and we decided to give “Before We Were Yours” by Lisa Wingate a try.
As I was sitting on my couch reading, I came across this passage… and it hit me… hard. I HAD to stop and document it. And then immediately posted it on my social media because it was just… so much… “Yes”.
The entire world is in a brand new time now… I have spent a lot of time thinking about and missing my life BP (“Before Pandemic”), and I’ve been stressing about what the future will hold for my small business, upcoming personal trips and big plans, and my kids return to school in the fall (my son will be a brand new kindergartner and I can’t help but cringe at the idea of his “first day of school” photo being in front of a Chromebook).
But, really, I can’t change either of these things. I can’t go back to the past, and I can’t control the future of the virus… but I CAN “dance within the music of today”.
Today I can bake cookies with my kids. Today I can lace up my shoes and go for a run. Today I can watch a lesson in that online wedding photography course that I purchased last year and haven’t taken the time to finish yet. Today I can start brainstorming exciting ways that I can change my business model to better suit the new “song” of our future.
What can YOU do today? What is YOUR music?