Get in the Picture! ~ Mommy & Me Session, Camas, WA
/I saw this meme on Facebook the other day by the Witty Otter that TOTALLY summed up why I think “Mommy and Me” photo sessions are SO important. It said,:
I have more than 13,000 photos of my child and husband on my camera roll. However, if I’m ever murdered and Dateline does a story on me, the only options will be my driver’s license photo, or the blurry picture my toddler once took of my foot
My Mother and me… i’m so thankful to whoever caught this moment!
How many of you have photos that you LOVE with just you and your child(ren)? It doesn’t matter to me if they are “professional” images or snapshots from your camera phone… but do you HAVE them and LOVE them? My husband isn’t a photographer. He takes photos of me with the kids occasionally, but it’s not something that he thinks about doing (and when he does, the angles aren’t always that flattering. lol).
Having pictures that make me feel beautiful and loved with my children and important to me… but also SO important to them, too! I have a handful of images of myself with my mother when I was a child. These are some of my favorite photos. When my mother is no longer around, these are the memories and reminders that I will keep close and use to tell MY children (and grandchildren!) stories about their grandmother.
Every year I look forward to photographing Mommy and Me photo sessions and capturing the joy, love, and laughter between Mom and her kiddos. This session at Round Lake in Camas, WA was no different! This little man just celebrated his 2nd birthday, and his mom hired me to stop time for just one minute.

Mother’s Day is coming up fast, but these sessions aren’t limited to this holiday! If you’d like to book a lifestyle, natural light “Mommy and Me” photo session in the Vancouver, WA or Camas areas, reach out! The weather is beautiful, let’s get outside and play!