It's Coming Up Roses! ~ Boudoir Photography ~ Vancouver, WA
/If you’ve ever looked at some of my boudoir photography and thought…
“I wonder where the idea for this set came from!”
“How was it possible to make this set in the studio?”
Or even… “How the heck was that shot even possible?”
Then you’re in luck! Today, we’ll be going behind the scenes and talking a bit more about what it’s like to try out a new type of boudoir session and also have a model shoot. In my blog posts, I do like to share quite a bit about the different types of special sets and sessions that I offer. (Think my shower sets or masquerade sessions!) Now, it’s time to talk even more about the thought process that goes into creating those types of experiences…
As I think about the types of boudoir experiences I can offer, sometimes I’ll have an idea that feels like it belongs as a permanent offering in my studio… like my shower set! Clients don’t always choose to use my shower set when booking a boudoir shoot, but I like to always offer it as a special set that you can choose. Along with the shower set, I also have a curtain set, kitchen set, and many other special options available!
I love creating these types of options especially because each client who books a session will have a different vision for their photos… Some clients love using just my living room set and bedroom set. These sets are classics that will give your shots more of a traditional boudoir feel, which we love! If your vision also includes any other sets, I’m always working hard to make sure that my studio can accommodate your ideas with all of the special backdrops and sets we have.
Outside of creating special sets that you’ll have the option to select each time you book, sometimes I’ll create session experiences that are offered on a limited basis or are more seasonal in nature. A perfect example of this would be our masquerade themed sessions! I’ll occasionally offer these themed specials, especially during times of the year that make the most sense… like a masquerade session for Halloween!
This time, I had the idea to set up a session that included rose petals! And I mean ALL of the rose petals… You wouldn’t believe how many we had! When planning this shoot, I thought that including roses in a boudoir session would work out perfectly. Boudoir sessions are all about getting in touch with your sensuality, and roses add that extra, perfect romantic touch.
Plus, I ended up scheduling this model shoot a couple months before Valentine’s day… How amazing would it be to give your partner boudoir photos that include roses as a Valentine’s day gift? I can’t think of a better present!
With all of this in mind, I set up a photography session with two members of my Facebook group as my models! For our session, both models came to the studio at the same time, and they took turns getting their hair and makeup done by Emily Filice. Once they both were ready, we first made sure to capture a few shots of both models in our living room set before adding in the rose petals! They each wore gray sweaters, giving these photos such a cozy feel.
Next, we took photos using the rose petals! In some of the shots, our models were laying down which made it much easier to arrange the rose petals around them. The photos using the rose petals, bedroom set, and red sheets turned out to be some of my favorites!
We also took it a step further and threw some of the roses for the shots. I got pretty lucky that we had two people there for this session… While one was in front of the camera, the other model helped me by throwing petals and creating some movement in the photo! I’m SO obsessed with the photo that features a red backdrop with tons of petals raining down.
After this session, I realized that I would love to offer this type of session again in the future… But of course, something to keep in mind is that I’ll need a helper when it comes to throwing the flowers! That’s truly why model sessions are the best. We get to try out a new type of session while also learning what will be needed on set.
I definitely have to include a BIG thank you to my models for spending the day with me and trying out a new type of boudoir shoot! Whenever the time comes to offer more seasonal sessions in the future, I’d absolutely love to be joined by more of our group members… I can’t wait!